
口述历史, 给历史加上声音的维度, 让回忆,有温度

Jan 11, 2023 | 活动报道

记录和保存集体记忆,是我们共同的责任。2023年1月7日,新加坡金门会馆青年团与新加坡国家档案馆协手举办研讨会《口述历史—重寻你的本源》,同时邀请厦门公会参与。研讨会采用互动讲座的方式,包括实践课程(角色扮演),参观档案馆设施,以及参考部分文献(如口述记录),以此增加参与度并提倡内化学习。共有25位来自金门会馆, 厦门公会,德明政府中学, NUS, NTU的学员参加了研讨会。

口述历史, 给历史加上声音的维度, 让回忆,有温度。

金门会馆青年团, 也将再次组织参访活动,请高丽莲顾问及国家档案馆工作人员,带领大家参观国家档案馆,了解各种档案收集保存以及查阅的设施。


Recording and archiving our collective memories is a shared responsibility. On 7 January 2023, the Kim Mui Hoey Kuan youth committee and the National Archives of Singapore (NAS) jointly organised a workshop titled ‘Rediscover you Roots with Oral History’, which representatives from the Amoy Association were also invited to join. The workshop was conducted in an interactive manner, and included hands-on training (role play), the touring of the archives’ facilities, and also the sharing of existing archive records (such as oral history records), in order to enhance active participation and better absorption of knowledge. A total of 25 participants from Kim Mui Hoey Kuan, Amoy Association, Dunman High School, NUS and NTU attended the workshop.

Through the element of sound in oral history, a sense of warmth is felt alongside the memories.

The Kim Mui Hoey Kuan youth committee will also organise another event inviting Mrs Koh-Kiang Lai Lin, consultant of the NAS to lead a tour around the NAS to understand the preservation and access of the various repositories.